"Are you ready for your close-up, Fluffy?"
We love nearly everything our pets do.... okay, everything other than digging up the flower beds and gnawing on our Jimmy Choos ... then again, with a last name like that, those shoes are just begging for trouble!
Mischief aside, our pets bring us untold joy and wellbeing. It is the subtleties we love so much - the cock of the head, the big warm eyes, the pacifying purr, the lilting song.... the things that are impossible to capture in a static photograph. So why not record your pet's adorable antics on video?
You needn't be the next Martin Scorcese or even know what you're doing beyond pressing the record and stop buttons. Whatever footage you upload to your iLivediLoved account will be appreciated by the whole family... for generations to come.
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We all want to capture the amazing moments and breathtaking views we experience while traveling, but often find our hands too full of trip gear to deal with getting the perfect shot. And then the moment is lost. But that needn't be the case.
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This lucky smart phone got to spent its vacation at Lake Tahoe! |
In today's smart phone society nearly every man, woman and tween has a camera-equipped cell phone attached at the hip.... or ear. Simply snap what you see and upload it to your iLivediLoved account once you're home. When you look back on these shots down the line you won't remember the bad lighting or the loud lady just outside of the frame; you'll remember the love and the laughter... and yes, maybe the missing luggage too.
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Why my end-of-life messages are so important to me
of us non-fatalistic types don’t like to entertain the thought that we
will…at somepoint…die. But the truth is, most of us also have no idea
when that day might come.
So, it’s good to be prepared.
the same way that we purchase life insurance to protect our families
financially in the event of our death, end-of-life messages are a
wonderful (and, arguably, essential) way to protect loved ones emotionally
once we’ve passed away. I couldn’t think of a single good reason NOT to
have personal, special messages ready for my family, so I figured now
was as good a time as any.
When I first got started creating end-of-life messages for my kids (and, by the way, I am
near death’s door), I wondered what I should write about. I’ve never
been one of those gushy, pour-my-heart-out on the page kind of gals, so
this was new for me. I actually found it easier to start by attaching
favorite photos of me and the kids throughout our lives together. Adding
cute, funny captions to the photos loosened me up and was a natural way
to get the precious memories flowing. I’ve also got some great home
movies of the kids, so of course, I spent hours sifting through them and
then hand-picked my favorites (yes, there was a silly “dress up” skit
in there). As for the letters themselves, they are too personal and
private to share, but I will say that I told each of my kids how proud I
am of them, how much I love them with ALL my heart, and some of the
things I admire most about them.The great thing about my messages is that I can go back and add to them whenever I want. But I know they will always be there…poised and ready to comfort my loved ones when they need it most. And to me, that is more valuable than any life insurance policy.
Not a member yet? No problem—you can Sign up today for free

Unless you’re lucky enough to live in a tropical paradise like the Grand Cayman or Boa Bora, chances are there will be at least one, or two (or 100) days this winter when the weather is downright dreary.
Why not set aside just one of those cold, dismal days and put down that Kindle, Nook or actual book? The cup of Cozy Chamomile can stay. And instead of reading about someone else’s stories and adventures, use this time to remember some of your favorite life stories and memories.
Think way back to one of your fondest memories as a child. Write down what you remember and who was with you. Then think about some of the turning points in your life—leaving home, marriage, having children, career highs, devastating losses, children leaving home, becoming a grandparent and so on—and pick one experience to write about. Then, if you can, pick another memory that’s worthy of preserving…before it becomes too fuzzy to clearly recall.
Of course, all this reminiscing may compel you to bust out the old photo albums. What a great idea! The memories will start flooding back as you gaze at snapshots from your life.
Now here’s the best part. To reward you for all your hard work “memorializing” stories from your past, we will help preserve these memories for the rest of your life. Even better, we’ll deliver the memories (and treasured photos) to your loved ones…so they can enjoy them and pass them down to the next generation.
And to think, all that just from stealing one winter day when you probably wouldn’t have done much, anyway.
Sign up on our website for free and give your memories a safe place to live forever.
There’s no better time than the holidays to get the whole darn family together.
It’s a time when most of us are even in good spirits—whether it’s due to a much-needed hiatus from work, genuine holiday cheer or just the right amount of brandied egg nog…or perhaps all of the above. Whatever the reason, why not use this time of togetherness to record and preserve your family’s unique history?
Creating a “video memoir” that celebrates your family’s past, present and future is easier than you might think. All you really need is a digital camera or smartphone with video recording capability and some willing family members. When everyone is hanging out waiting for the turkey to finish roasting, go around asking a few questions (recording the responses)—questions that invite family members to reflect, reminisce and share what is most important to them.
Here are a few great questions to ask:
- Can you tell me about one of your favorite memories from childhood? (The more specific the better–how old were you, what year was it, who was with you, etc.)
- What do you think makes our family unique?
- Who in the family do you admire most, and why?
- What are your favorite qualities about each member of the family?
- What words of advice would you give our family about how to be happy and live a good life?
You might also consider sending this material to us and having one of our professional videographers produce a beautiful, custom Professional Video Memoir just for you and your family. Videos are delivered to you on DVD and you can order a copy for each family member, if you like…and even give them as presents.
What if you possessed the only diamond in the city.... what about the whole country..... what about the entire universe? Can you even imagine how priceless that precious stone would be? Well, that treasured gem is you.
you choose to put pen to paper in an elegant, leather-bound journal, or
tap the keyboard as you compose on your computer, or perhaps use a
voice or video recorder to chronicle your unique adventures, yours is a
story worth telling—and there never will be another one like it.
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Start your journal today…store it with iLivediLoved forever.
Sign up for free and begin preserving your memories. Or consider having us produce your personal video memoir.
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Have a “Pic a Little, Talk a Little” Party
(Scrapbooking and picture sharing)

of struggling to answer these mindboggling questions alone, why not
invite some friends over for a “Pic a Little - Talk a Little” Party.
Have them bring over the pictures they need to sort as you while away
the time chatting, sharing and reminiscing. Before you know it, your
pictures will be neatly organized and ready to be safely and permanently stored in your iLivediLoved account.
So what are you waiting for? Break out the coffee cake and call your friends. They’ll thank you for it later.
Mementos -
They chronicle some of the happiest moments of our lives.

But even the best memories and finest stationery can fade. So how to preserve your cherished moments and mementos? An easy solution is to scan them, using a standard flatbed scanner for best results. Or, if you’ve got a digital camera or cell phone with a camera, you can even just snap a photo of your memento to make it even easier! These images can be uploaded to your iLivediLoved account as easily as any photo, and preserved forever. It's just that simple.
Record their little voices—not just their precious faces!

Most of us are good about taking photos. But few of us make the effort to record conversations, capturing much more than just our loved ones' images, but their personalities and spirit. When it comes to our kids and grandkids, those precious little voices mature before we know it and we lose the chance to immortalize them for their enjoyment as adults.

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Vacation memories don’t have to fade—preserve them for generations with us
Sunburn, bug bites, lost luggage, lost tempers...Sound like a nightmare? Or does it sound like a typical family vacation you took as a kid? Either way, chances are you have a Samsonite full of stories about mishaps and mischief from holidays taken with your parents or, more recently, with your own kids and grandkids.
We all want to capture the amazing moments and breathtaking views we experience while traveling, but often find our hands too full of trip gear to deal with getting the perfect shot. And then the moment is lost. But that needn't be the case.
In today's smart phone society nearly every man, woman and tween has a camera-equipped cell phone attached at the hip.... or ear. Simply snap what you see and upload it to your iLivediLoved account once you're home. When you look back on these shots down the line you won't remember the bad lighting or the loud lady just outside of the frame; you'll remember the love and the laughter... and yes, maybe the missing luggage too.
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Video memoirs—Creating and sharing your life’s legacy
That's what iLivediLoved is all about -- preserving the memories you value most for those whom you care about most. We offer a variety of tools and resources to assist you in creating your legacy, and no tool is more powerful than that of our Video Memoirs. Imagine your images, your words, your story -- all brought vibrantly to life in a way that is uniquely your own.
Whether you choose to create a video for viewing at the culmination of your life, or as a timely gift for a loved one celebrating a rite of passage, iLivediLoved will ensure your memories are securely stored and delivered at just the right time.
Join now to learn how you can begin to create your own legacy of life and love, starting today.
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Help an ailing loved one share their end-of-life values and memories
Help ailing loved ones share their memories and be remembered in their own words. You can sign up for iLivediLoved on behalf of an ill or aging parent or other family member. If they do not have an email account, create a free one for them. Whether the ill loved one is at home or in care, you can assist them in creating beautiful messages for those they love.
Here’s how:
- Bring a notebook or laptop to their bedside and ask them to share stories, wishes, wisdom and messages of love. Document these words.
- Record them talking about wonderful times during their life as well as their thoughts and loving messages for members of the family.
- Ask them if there are specific photos of importance that should be attached with the messages.* * *

Memories invite a sense of place

When creating an iLivediLoved message for your sweetheart, you might consider writing about that “special place” you share as a couple. Add memorable photos of you and your sweetheart enjoying this spot over the years. You might choose the one perfect place that brought you meaning and joy…or celebrate all the cherished places in your life together. Either way, this gift will be treasured by the loved one who receives it.
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It’s never too soon to start leaving your story…your legacy…for loved ones
Personal letters–write letters to your children and grandchildren and tell them how special and wonderful they are. In these letters, share your most beloved memories with them and your wishes for them in the future.
Treasured photos–include with each letter a variety of photos of you at various ages in your life as well as favorite photos of you with your children, grandchildren and other family members. Write captions for each photo so the meaning behind the image is preserved.

Whether you’ve just had your first child or you’ve got 27 grandkids, it’s never too soon to begin leaving your story…your family history and legacy…with those you love.
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For this week's ideas on sharing, please see our Keepsakes page
or make a suggestion of your own on our Facebook page
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