Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Priceless Gift of You

"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself."

I think writer Jean Anouilh hit the nail on the head with that one—despite what all the jewelry
stores, flower shops and chocolate boutiques would have us believe this month.

If you’re feeling the pressure to buy a gift for Valentine’s Day, have you considered this—who
says the very best expressions of love can’t be free? And, how can you give yourself as a gift in a truly meaningful way?

This amazing story and video about two families whose lives were shattered—then rebuilt by
love—shows the true power of giving yourself as a gift: click here

This incredibly moving video was given as a birthday gift by Kristian Anderson to his wife just
before he died of cancer: click here

Of course, by now you’ve probably realized the common thread between these beautiful
examples is that the “gift givers” are no longer alive. While that is true, it didn’t take a terminal
illness for me to realize I should start leaving messages for my children (and even my parents)
now…because you never know how much time you really have.

Since we started iLivediLoved, the focus has been on helping people create end-of-life messages
for loved ones, which we hold and then deliver once the member passes away. What we’ve
learned from our members is that while the end-of-life messages are a wonderful service, many
people don’t want to wait until death to have their love delivered and memories shared.

So we decided to give members more options. As I’ve impetuously leaked a few times on
Facebook and Twitter already, iLivediLoved is currently developing a calendar option so
members can create keepsake messages to be delivered on birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or any special events in life. The member simply selects any calendar date no matter how near or far in the future. (Hmmm, so for Valentine’s Day next year…)

All of the keepsake messages sent and received by the member throughout life will live in the
member’s digital keepsake box. And here’s the really exciting part—even the “box” itself can
be handed down to the next generation of family members, giving them a way to preserve and
share a virtual treasure trove of their family’s memories, life lessons, greatest moments and

tributes of life and love…far into the future. As you can imagine, we’re so excited about this new
development and look forward to offering it to our members.

So if you’re uninspired by commercialism this Valentine’s Day, remember that you have other
options. Maybe all you really need to give is you.
It just goes to show that love really can be free…and priceless…at the same time.


Sign up for free on our website and deliver your love at just the right time.

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