Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Your Life, Your Love, Your Legacy

August is national What Will Be Your Legacy month.... how’s that for a light and breezy summer topic?! Then again, perhaps the lazy days of summer offer the very best opportunity to take a moment to reflect on the life you have lived, the love you have shared and the legacy you want to create. I admit I found this topic to be of such great import that I hadn’t a notion of where to begin in approaching it. I needed something to express the way I view life, and ultimately, my legacy.

So I did what any 21st Century blogger/social media maven might do. I went in search of inspiration among the Facebook status updates I had posted. And this is what I found:
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die discover that I had not lived.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Smugly satisfied with my own zest for life, I realized there was some slight chance that not every single denizen of the planet would share my sentiment, and so I thought it prudent to see what others thought on the subject, (i.e., I “Googled” it). As is so often the case when doing online research, I was humbly and sweetly surprised by what I learned. The following ideas were those most prevalent among the sources I consulted.

Sowing the Seeds
  • Do your living and loving NOW
  • Don’t waste time on “could-haves” and “should haves”
  • Live a life of purpose (and live life on purpose!)
  • Set a good example for your children and future generations
  • Don’t wait until you’re gone to give your possessions to loved ones
  • Plan to whom you will give journals, photos, videos, treasures, etc.
  • Record the stories you want passed down!!!
  • Try new things, make new memories... and chronicle them
  • Grow along with your loved ones by constantly trying to be the best “you” possible
  • Realize your words and actions make an impact.... and conduct yourself accordingly
  • Live in accordance with your own beliefs and values
  • Don’t rue your missteps—get back up and try again
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated

Gets you thinking, doesn’t it?

Won’t you join us in sharing your own thoughts on what you want to offer the generations who succeed you? What life lessons you want to impart? What wild and wooly anecdotes you want to relate?



  1. This list of ideas isn't just how to leave a legacy--it's also great ideas about how to live a life full of happiness today!

  2. I LOVE the quote in here from Thorwau. It is so befitting of this topic. The idea of leaving a legacy also reminds me of a favorite quote from one of Thoreau's colleages:

    “The only gift is a portion of thyself.”
    — Ralph Waldo Emerson

    That's what true legacy is all about, and iLivediLoved helps people do this!
