We hope you’ll get in the spirit by posting here on our blog or on our interactive Facebook page. We will gather all the shared memories throughout the month and post them on this page. Fun photos are always welcome. Happy reminiscing!
Top Pick for Week #1
Since it’s National Roller Skating Month—tell us about your VERY FIRST PAIR of skates…
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OK, I’ll start it off. My first pair was those metal shoe skates that were adjustable yet never seemed to fit. We lived way out on a dirt road in the country so the only place I could skate was down in my basement!
My first pair of roller skates were white with red laces – Sandra R.
Black leather disco boots with bright yellow wheels and matching stoppers! Sweet – Jay R.
I was a tomboy and skate BOARDER actually .... don't remember so much about my footed wheels :) — Joie D.
The kind that attaches to your shoes (much less expensive). — Victoria S.
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Top Pick for Week #2

Of course, among October’s observances, who could forget Halloween? If you have set foot inside a grocery store or drug store in the past two months, you’ve undoubtedly been slammed with the merchandising of this spooky holiday. But there was a time–way back when you were a kid—when Halloween was all about the thrill of dressing up for a costume party and going door-to-door begging for treats!
So our question this week is: What was your all-time favorite Halloween costume as a kid—and how old were you when you wore it?
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I’ll start it off: My all-time favorite was the Pink Panther costume my mom had-made for me when I was five. I loved it so much that I tried to squeeze into it for three years in a row, and I think I even cut the feet off to make it work!
A pink bunny costume my mom made. (My brother didn't enjoy it as much!) ~ Gina M.
A Pirate till my plastic sword broke :( But I got to break it on my brother! ! ~ Jay R.
Well as usual my answer is an odd one. What I remember most (and best) is the fact that I as a kid I possessed and practically lived in 'my costume box" -- it set the tone for my life, hobbies and subsequent career! Decades later I ended up with several cargo size storage containers bursting with hundreds of costumes from the theater company I had for a dozen or so years…who knew that would be the case when as a kid I was playing gypsy, fairy…and a little Dutch girl! Thanks so much for unearthing those memories J ~ Joie D.
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We hope you’ll get in the spirit by posting here on our blog or on our interactive Facebook page. Happy reminiscing!
Top Pick for Week #3
Hey, all you travel junkies out there--did you know that October is National Sightseeing Month? I couldn’t find any real research pointing to the relevance of October for this observance, so I am left to wonder. Perhaps it’s because air travel is often less expensive this month—being after the busy summer season and before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Or maybe it’s because the weather tends to be beautiful this time of year. Whatever the reason, it’s a time for getting out there and making memories…and sharing them.
So our question this week is: What is your most memorable sightseeing spot?
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I’ll start it off: Taking a thrilling helicopter ride down into the crater of the Waimea Canyon in Kauai. With red rocky cliff walls covered in lush green ferns and white sparkling streams from waterfalls cascading all around—it’s probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.Happy reminiscing!
I was 9, hanging from the keel of a big boat, visiting a baby dolphin for 30 minutes—loving the Florida Keys. ~ Jay R.
Paris! ~ Yoser N.
The site of the Terra Cotta Warriors/Army in Xian ... till that trip I had always considered The Pyramids to be the most spectacular man-made creation I'd ever seen -- not anymore. ~ Joie D.
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We hope you’ll join in the fun by posting here on our blog or on our interactive Facebook page.
Top Pick for Week #4
Apples are perfectly ripe for the picking this month. Perhaps that’s why October is designated as “Mom and Apple Pie” Month. And what better way to enjoy this autumn-harvested fruit than in a good old-fashioned apple pie—the kind that mom used to bake.
Do you have any “sweet memories” of your mom baking in the kitchen? Share a delicious one with us!
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I’ll start: Mom used to bake the most scrumptious apple pie with custard and cinnamon in it. It was always based to perfection and tasted best when still warm from the oven. She doesn’t bake many pies anymore, but her homemade applesauce is still WONDERFUL!
I call my mom’s apple pie a Flan!... Mmm mmm mmm... Gracias mami! ~ Jay R.
I remember my mom made reeses cups and different flavors of rice crispy treats. Chocolate was yummy! ~ Gina M.
Oh my gosh, speaking of Reese's... I am appalled to say I just went through one of the bags of candy I purchased to hand out on Halloween, and I pulled out all the Reese's for myself! Weak! ~ Joie D* * * * * * *
We hope you’ll join in the fun by posting here on our blog or on our Facebook page. Happy reminiscing!
My first pair of roller skates were the high top kind. They were white with a red and blue stripe. I think they laced half way up my ankle! But my favorite pair were shoe skates. They were blue with white stripes like Adidas. I remember skating all over the neighborhood in those!