Lilo is all about living life to the fullest…and sharing and preserving memories and milestones along the way. We do this not only for our families and loved ones, but also for those who may be touched or benefited by our legacies. As such, we are keenly interested in groups and organizations that improve the quality of life for their chosen segment of mankind. Each week, we plan to feature a unique nonprofit that’s doing meaningful work to helps others.
Our theme for the week is Making a Difference to Children. The nonprofit we’ve selected is making its difference in significant ways. It is the real deal, the sort of organization that inspires us, gives us hope and propels us to get involved. In their own humble words, here is the emotionally powerful beauty of United Through Reading:
About United Through Reading

Founded in 1989, United Through Reading is a nonprofit public benefit organization. Our mission is to unite families facing physical separation by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud together. Our vision is that all children will feel the security of caring family relationships and develop a love of reading through the read-aloud experience.
The nationally-acclaimed programs developed by United Through Reading provide opportunities for emotional bonding that relieve the stress of separation and instill a love of reading by providing the opportunity for family members to read aloud to children on DVD. Our programs help bring far-away family members back home for a little while each day, and help turn what might otherwise be tentative, anxious family re-introductions into joyous reunions.
Operation Record a Story
Launched last fall on Veteran’s Day, military moms and dads separated from their children began sharing the closeness of family story time, thanks to Operation Record a Story. Publications International, Ltd., (PIL) donated its Record a Story books to the nonprofit United Through Reading Military Program in order that deployed service members could record and send guided storybooks home to their children. The books, together with a video of the deployed parent recording the story, create an unprecedented program offering the gift of togetherness.
Your loved ones in the military can create an Operation Record a Story recordable storybook at the following United Through Reading locations:
USO DFW – Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
USO – Fort Hood, Texas
USO – BWI Airport
USO Camp Beuhring – Kuwait
USO Balad – Iraq
USO Kandahar – Afghanistan
USO Bagram – Afghanistan (Pat Tillman Memorial USO)
USO of Georgia – Jean R. Amos USO Center
USS George H. W. Bush (Naval Station Norfolk, VA)
USS Abraham Lincoln (Everett, WA)
USO – Fort Hood, Texas
USO – BWI Airport
USO Camp Beuhring – Kuwait
USO Balad – Iraq
USO Kandahar – Afghanistan
USO Bagram – Afghanistan (Pat Tillman Memorial USO)
USO of Georgia – Jean R. Amos USO Center
USS George H. W. Bush (Naval Station Norfolk, VA)
USS Abraham Lincoln (Everett, WA)
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Thank you for joining us in learning about this exemplary organization that has delighted the lives of hundreds of thousands of children through the simple art of sharing a story.
To Learn More
For information about how to donate to United Through Reading or the United Through Reading Military Program, or to volunteer, visit
Watch their heart-warming video at
Or visit them on their Facebook page
This is really an amazing program. What a wondeful way to keep farflung parents (and grandparents)connected to their children!